Dark Horse S. Blanc Rose All Day Rose 750ml
Dark Horse S. Blanc Rose All Day Rose is a delightful wine from the south of France. Made from Grenache grapes, this 2018 vintage rose has a beautiful pink color and a refreshing taste. The wine is produced in the IGP Pays d'OC appellation, where the soil is rich in limestone, clay, and sand. The warm, dry, and sunny climate of the region contributes to the wine's vibrant flavors. With a pH level of 3.30, this rose has a balanced acidity that enhances its crispness. The fermentation process takes place at temperatures between 55 and 62 degrees Fahrenheit, ensuring optimal flavor development. Dark Horse S. Blanc Rose All Day Rose is the perfect companion for any occasion, allowing you to savor the great experiences in life. Enjoy this wine chilled and live more!
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